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Customizing a View with Pictures

Adding an Attached Pictures Viewer to a View and customizing this viewer's position and appearance can be done on the Group Layout tab of the View Customizer. As the viewer is likely to occupy several rows, it may be necessary to adjust the overall view layout.

To add the Attached Pictures Viewer to a view:

  1. In the 'Available attributes' section of the Group Layout tab, select the 'VM_Attachment' attribute.
  2. Use the 'Add' button to include it in the view in the View Designer.

    The Attached Pictures Viewer is selected as its formatter.

    Note: The Attached Pictures Viewer is the only formatter available for displaying pictures.

  3. Specify the other properties below in the Properties tab. With VM_Attachment selected in the View Designer View Definition section, click its Properties make the requested settings.

See Also

Pictures in Views

Editing the Attached Pictures Viewer's label

Attaching Pictures

Enabling the Paste Functionality on the Web Client