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Editing the Attached Pictures Viewer's label

By default, the label accompanying the viewer reads 'VM_attachments'. You may want to specify a different label and possibly also a tooltip for the particular picture viewer. This can be done in the translation editor.

  1. Open the 'Translation Editor' from the 'Customize' main menu.
  2. In the 'Type and Attribute' section, select 'Technical Types' and search for the object type whose view you are customizing.
  3. With the correct generic object type chosen, select the 'VM_Attachment: Images' attribute in the list of object type attributes on the left.
  4. On the right, specify your own translation (i.e. viewer label) and possibly a tooltip in the language of your choice (English, German and Italian available in standard).
  5. Click 'Apply' and close the Translation Editor.

Note: The label will not be visible if the 'Overlay Label' parameter in the context menu of the attribute view element is set to 'true'.

See Also

Pictures in Views

Customizing a View with Pictures

Attaching Pictures

Enabling the Paste Functionality on the Web Client