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The Contract Item Editor

Editor Tabs

Attributes in the contract item editor are grouped into several tabs. Please note that the content of some of the tabs partially depends on selected 'Contract Type'. Additionally, the presence, labels and use of individual attributes may differ depending on your specific customization.

Help Image
An example of the contract item header with the 'Master' tab selected.

TAB: Master

The 'Master' tab displays the most important contract item attributes:

  • Contract / Item - identification of the contract item's contract and its position
  • Contract Type - important attribute which determines the type of the contract item. E.g. 'Purchase', 'Maintenance', 'Rental', 'Service' etc. Selected contract type should reflect the actual type of the contractual relationship. Consequently, it influences the content of the editor tabs in order to reflect the purpose. Mandatory attribute.
  • Contract Item Starting Date - Beginning of the contractual relationship. Mandatory attribute.
  • Contract Item End Date - End of the contractual relationship. Not used for purchase contracts.
  • Contracted Quantity - Total number of products contracted by the contract item. Mandatory attribute.
  • Received Quantity - Number of products already received on the basis of the contract item. The value is provided by the application as products are received by the 'Incoming Goods' action.
  • Product Type - Product type contracted by the contract item. Using the action menu button next to the 'Product Type' field, a product type can be assigned to the contract item, edited or created. Mandatory attribute.
  • Offer Used - If an offer has been used for the contract item, it is displayed here and can be assigned by the 'Search and assign existing offer' (+) button.
  • Net Unit Price - Net (i.e. excluding VAT) price of one product ("unit of the product item"). The value is only displayed in the editor, it is taken over from the related 'Payment Schedule'.
  • Product Group, Total Points - Attributes taken over from related product type

TAB: Serviced Product Type

The tab contains a reference view of the product serviced by the product item. This is used only with contract items whose contract type has the attribute 'Indicate Possession' = ‘FALSE’ (Service contract items).

TAB: Contract

The tab contains a reference view of the contract to which the edited contract item belongs.

TAB: Price

The 'Price' tab summarizes the contract item's financial information.

  • Gross Unit Price - gross price (i.e. including VAT) of one unit of the product contracted by the contract item
  • Net Total Price - net price (excluding VAT) of the contract item (quantity times unit price)
  • Gross Total Price - gross price of the contract item

TAB: Price (Base)

The tab summarizes the contract item's financial information in base currency.

TAB: Common

The tab displays miscellaneous contract item attributes relating mainly to contract termination, extension and follow-up (service contract items) or guarantee and maintenance (acquisition contract items).

TAB: Comments

The tabs contains one field for storing additional contract item information.

Reference Catalogs

The reference catalogs in the bottom section of the editor display collections of objects related to the contract item and provide actions for their administration (linking and unlinking existing objects, creation of new objects of the listed type).

Help Image
An example of a contract item reference catalog with the 'Payment Schedules' tab selected.

Reference Catalogs

  • Payment Schedules

    Reference catalog displaying payment schedules assigned to the contract item. One contract item can have multiple payment schedules e.g. to register different overlapping payment patterns (initial payment, monthly payments, quarterly conditional payments, etc.)

  • Payments

    Reference catalog displaying payments already generated from the contract item's payment schedule(s). Payments are generated by the 'Upload Payments' action. See section 'Payment Actions' for more details on payments and payment schedules.

  • Received Products

    Reference catalog of products already received on the basis of the contract item. Products are received using the 'Incoming Goods' action.

  • Components

    Reference catalog of components created from products received on the basis of the contract item. Components are created using the 'Create Components out of Incoming Goods' action.

  • Related Contract Items

    Reference catalog listing all contract items related to the products of this contract item. It includes the current, supplementary and subsequent contract items. Note that in order to display all these items, the 'View' option in the reference catalog must be set to 'All'.

  • Previous Contract Items (Upgrade)

    Reference catalog listing contract items which preceded the current contract item. Usually used in connection with software upgrades.

  • License Information

    Catalogs referencing all related 'License Information' objects.

  • Related Persons

    Catalogs referencing all persons in any way involved with the contract item.

  • Comments

    In addition to the 'Comments' field of the contract item header, a contract item can also have a number of special 'Comment' objects. These comments are listed and administered in the 'Comments' tab.

    • For each comment, the creator (the person assigned to the Valuemation user at the moment of comment creation) and date&time of its creation are registered.
    • Comments can be classified by comment type ('Contract Add-on', 'Contract', 'Comment', 'Email', 'Hourly rates', 'Cancel Contract'; additional types can be added by expanding the used value set).
    • Each comment can contain multiple links to related documents.

See Also

Contract Item

Special Types of Contract Items