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Special Types of Contract Items

Special Types of Contract Items

Several special types of contract items exist. Their specificity is based on their role in the contracting process and their relation to other contract items.

  • Supplementary Contract Items

    Contract items used in parallel with another contract item. For example, a service can be contracted on top of product possession.

  • Subsequent Contract Items

    Contract items used as a continuation to another contract item.

  • Master Contract Items

    Contract items representing beforehand agreed delivery of goods (products or services).

  • Demand Contract Items

    Contract items subordinated to a master contract item and representing actual delivery of the pre-contracted goods.

  • Acquisition Contract Items

    Contract items whose contract type has the attribute 'Indicate Possession' = ‘TRUE’. Intended for contracting of material goods.

  • Service contract items

    Contract items whose contract type has the attribute 'Indicate Possession' = ‘FALSE’. Intended for contracting of services.

See Also

Contract Item

The Contract Item Editor