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Incoming goods - create products

In the context of contract management, the 'Incoming Goods...' action means creation of products on the basis of contract items.

The action can be called from the context menu of contract and contract item editors and catalogs.

  • If the action is called from a contract catalog or editor, products are created from contract items belonging to the selected contract.
  • If the action is called from a contract item selected in a contract items catalog or opened in the editor, products are created from the contract item. If multiple contract items are selected in a catalog, products are created from all selected contract items.

To create products from contract items

  1. Call action 'Incoming Goods...' from the right-click context menu of a contract or contract item (see explanation above for the distinction).
  2. The 'Incoming Goods' editor opens. The contract from which the action was called is pre-selected in the 'Contract' attribute and the 'Delivery Date' is set to the current date. Depending on the type of contract, the editor contains a set of attributes which specify the action. See the 'Incoming Goods Editor' topic for details.
  3. The actual Incoming Goods action is administered from the 'Incoming Products from Contract Items' reference catalog of the 'Incoming Goods' editor. See the 'Create Products Example' topic for more information.

In This Chapter

Create Products Example

The Incoming Goods Editor

See Also

Contract Fulfillment

Incoming goods - create components