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Create Master Contract Items

Master contract items are contract items representing beforehand agreed delivery of goods (products or services).

  1. In a contract with 'Contract Header Type' = 'Master Contract', go to the 'Contract Items' tab and call the 'Create' action. The 'New: Contract Item' editor opens.

    Alternatively, you can use the 'Add Product Type' button at the bottom of the tab. This opens the contract item creation wizard. In step 3 of the wizard it will be possible to select 'Position Type' for the created contract item.

  2. In the 'New: Contract Item' editor (which either opened directly if the 'Create' action was used or can be opened from the 'Contract Items' tab), fill in standard contract item attributes as appropriate.
  3. Make sure to select 'Position Type' = 'Master Position' to specify the newly created contract item as a master contract item. This also dynamically enables other relevant fields in the contract item editor.
  4. Select 'Call Type' according to how you want to track the contract item fulfillment:
    • Net Total Value - contract fulfillment is tracked according to spent expenses
    • Quantity - contract fulfillment is tracked according to received quantity
  5. Make sure to correctly specify 'Contracted Quantity'. 'Contracted Quantity' is the planned total quantity for the contract item, e.i. the planned total sum of quantities of all future demand contract items belonging to this master contract item.

At this point it is possible to use the master contract item for creation of demand contract items.

See Also

Create master and demand contract items

Create a Master Contract

Create Demand Contract Items