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Create a Master Contract

Master contract is a contract which can contain master and demand contract items. It is a contract whose 'Contract Header Type' has attribute 'Show Position Type on Contract Item' = 'True'.

  1. Open a catalog of contracts ('Contracts All', 'Contracts by Vendor', 'My Contracts', 'My Special Contracts' in standard Contract Manager sidebar).
  2. Right-click in the catalog and call the 'Create' action.
  3. The 'New: Contract' editor opens.
  4. Fill in contract attributes:
    • Attributes 'Contract No.' and 'Vendor' are mandatory, see topic 'Create a contract' for details.
    • Make sure that attribute 'Contract Header Type' = 'Master Contract'.

      Selecting 'Master Contract' enables the 'position' functionality in contract items belonging to the contract. If contract attribute 'Contract Header Type' = 'Master Contract', then it is possible to specify its contract items position (Master, Demand or Standard).

    • Fill in other attributes as appropriate.

At this point it is possible to proceed to the creation of Master and Demand contract items.

See Also

Create master and demand contract items

Create Master Contract Items

Create Demand Contract Items