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Starting and Closing Valuemation

Logging In

To log in, open your web browser and enter the URL obtained from your Valuemation administrator. You will be presented with a login dialog containing the following fields:

  • User Name and Password

    Standard login information obtained from your Valuemation administrator. The password can be changed using the 'Change' button.

  • Domain

    An optional field which adds the possibility to log in using a domain.

    You can log in in the following ways:

    1. Enter the domain directly into the dedicated field.
    2. Enter the domain in the User Name field in the following format:

      Note: If you do so, the dedicated domain field will be disabled.

    3. Enter the domain in the User Name field in the following format: domain\user

      Note: If you do so, the dedicated domain field will be disabled.

If you (i.e. the Valuemation user associated with the provided user name) are authorized to work with more than one database client, you will be presented with an additional dialog box asking for a client selection.

If Single Sign On (SSO) authentication type is used, you will be logged in automatically without the need to enter a user name and password.

Logging Out

Click the 'door' icon in the toolbar to log out of Valuemation. Two different situations exist:

  • Some catalogs or editors are opened (or even a background action running) while trying to log out.

    In such situation, a confirmation dialog gets displayed.

    • Click 'Yes' to confirm the logout. All opened windows will be closed automatically.
    • Click 'No' to abort the logout. You'll be able to inspect the opened catalogs and editors, save the changes and close the windows manually. To close all opened windows, you can use the 'Close All' button in the upper left-hand corner of the workspace InfoObject.
  • All catalogs and editors are closed and all processing finished at the moment of logout.

    In this case the logout proceeds immediately and Valuemation login screen gets displayed. Now you can close the browser window, log back in at a latter time or log in under a different user.

In This Chapter

Login - Additional Information

Logout - Additional Information

See Also

Getting Work Done

Searching and Filtering

Grouping in Catalogs

Catalog Operations

Object Attachments

Service Request Shop