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Define Approval Responsibility According to Condition

If the approval does not depend on requested products or services, then it should be defined by a condition. A typical example is approval according to the total price of the entire request.

The advantage of an approval defined this way is that the approval task definition has to be defined only once, there is no need to activate it by assigning an item class, item type or offer. Note, however, that responsibilities based on a condition are not visible when examining responsibilities from the item class, item type or offer side.

Request vs. Request Item

The condition is always defined for the Request Item object type. However, approval according to a condition is best suited for approval types done on the level of the whole Request. It such cases the condition expression will start with 'request.', which means that the condition refers to an attribute of the whole request. It also means that even if "logically" the approval refers to the request, strictly technically the internal approval tasks are always assigned to request items.

When a condition starting with 'request.' is fulfilled, all request items of the request need to be approved and the approval person can either approve them individually or together on the request level.

In This Chapter

Condition Based on Request

Condition Based on Request Item

See Also

Define the Approval Process

Define Approval Responsibility According to Item

Activate Dynamic Approval Responsibility

How to Auto-approve (Skip Approving)

How to Activate Approving by 2 or More Persons

How the Actual Approving Person is Selected