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Problems & Solutions

Invalid Report

  • The report is complete, but some attribute values are missing

    Please check that the right Export filter has been used. The missing attribute is probably not present.

  • Invalid report version


    "Caused by: The report file of version "4.8.0" is invalid for it is greater than the latest supported one." and "Error in service execution, may be insufficient service rights"

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>








          <Technisch ID="T102">Error in service execution, may be

            insufficiant service rights</Technisch>

          <Nutzer ID="N102">Fehler bei der Ausf++hrung des Workflows.</Nutzer>






    BIRT report designer (in which the report was designed - e.g. v. 4.8.0) does not match BIRT Report Runtime (which is used to render reports e.g. v. 4.2.1).


After every configuration change it is recommended to delete webserver caches (e.g. '\tomcat\work\Catalina\' for Tomcat) and restart the webserver.

See Also

BIRT Reporting

Installation and Configuration

Integration of Birt Customizing

BIRT Report Based on XML from Valuemation

Multiple Resource Files in BIRT

Predefined Reports in Valuemation

BIRT with SOAP Webservice