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Installation and Configuration

For the following guide, this configuration will be used:

Valuemation Web server address - '' (Birt Report Server)

BIRT Runtime
‑Windows - 'C:\birt-runtime-osgi-4_2_1\'
‑Linux - '/usr/local/birt-runtime-osgi-4_2_1/'


  • Install Valuemation web server on an application server (Valuemation Web)
    ('' on Tomcat server in this guide)
  • Install a BIRT OSGI Report Runtime - used for rendering reports. It can be downloaded from the internet site
    Note: Installation path must not contain spaces! Let’s use
    'C:\birt-runtime-osgi-4_2_1' folder (Windows) or
    '/usr/local/birt-runtime-osgi-4_2_1/' folder (Linux) in this guide.
  • The BIRT Report Server must point to the same database as the clients.
  • Configure Rich client in order to be able to assign the newly created reports to object types.
  • BIRT Designer - used to design reports

    Download the BIRT Designer from the internet site and unzip it.

Note: The BIRT OSGI Runtime version must be compatible with the BIRT Report Designer version used to design your BIRT Reports.

In This Chapter


Configure the Birt Report Server

Configure the Rich client

See Also

BIRT Reporting

Integration of Birt Customizing

BIRT Report Based on XML from Valuemation

Multiple Resource Files in BIRT

Problems & Solutions

Predefined Reports in Valuemation

BIRT with SOAP Webservice