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Integration of Birt Customizing
Import a BIRT Report into Valuemation

You can upload the Report Definitions (*.rptdesign) using the 'Customize / BIRT Report definitions' menu. Your BIRT reports can be imported to VM here.

  1. Press New button.
  2. Browse for the file.
  3. Press Import.
  4. Set the Name of Reports and Description.
  5. Select the Object Type.
  6. Select the Export Filter.

Warning: Select the Valuemation export filter that was used for export of the XML file on which the now imported BIRT report definition is based.

Integrate the Customizing

Valuemation includes the following Birt Report workflows:

  • Birt_PrintFromClient

    This workflow is used to render Birt Reports on a client catalog. It generates the data stream and allows the user to select a report definition.

  • BirtReport_Server

    This workflow is running on the server and renders the report. It is called by a service from the workflow PrintFromClient.

  • Birt_Server_HandleParameter

    This workflow checks necessary parameters of the report. It is running on the server and is called by a service from the workflow PrintFromClient.

  • BOType_openBirtReports

    This workflow displays a catalog of all Birt Report definitions for the current Business Object Type.

Possible outputs are PDF, HTML, Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
In the Rich Client, the files are directly opened in the appropriate programs (set in menu Settings -> User settings -> General -> Path Settings). In the Web Client, you can either save or open the files.

See Also

Integration of Birt Customizing

Import a BIRT Report into Valuemation