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Proactive Problem Management

Proactive Problem Management includes activities leading to identification of problems before resulting incidents come up. Important part of this process is so called Trend Analysis, a fancy word for the ability to analyze data and spot series of linked events or consequences.

Valuemation supports proactive problem management in several ways:

Incidents and Problems are not seen as isolated entities. The Problem manager has also access to catalogs of Incidents and can use powerful standard Valuemation tools to "make sense' of the presented information.

  • Catalog searching - simple search for fast data filtering, full search for fully flexible advanced searches

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  • Catalog sorting - sorting the catalogs by columns representing the comprehensive set of Incident attributes and classification.

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  • Graphical catalog data representation - pie chart and visualizer catalog modes for data visualization

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  • Valuemation reports - Valuemation reporting tools can be used

Problem can be directly created on the basis of Incident analysis and identified incidents linked to the problem for further fast access during the process of Problem solution. (See 'Create a Problem According to Incident Analysis').

See Also

Related Information

Problem Management - Status Diagram

Ticket Prioritization Guideline

Ticket and Calendar

Problem - Change Association

Authorization Groups and Roles

Organizational Roles

Problem Links to Other Ticket Classes