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Change or create Service Classes and Service Types

To classify Services (Service Templates or Service Instances), you need to provide necessary Service Classes and Service Types.

  1. Open the 'Service Classes' catalog from the 'Service Metamodel' section of the 'Service Portfolio Manager' sidebar.
  2. Call the 'Create' action (the 'Create New' button or 'Create' / 'Edit' in the right-click context menu) to create or edit a Service Class.
  3. Enter the name of the Service Class (mandatory) and use the 'Valid' check box to specify whether the Service Class is valid or not.
  4. Press 'Ok' or 'Apply' to save the Service Class.
  5. Open the Service Types catalog and call the 'Create' or 'Edit' action.
  6. Enter the name of the Service Type. Optionally, a Service Class can be assigned.
  7. Service Type hierarchy can be defined by assigning superior or subordinated Service Types in corresponding reference catalogs.
  8. Press 'Ok' or 'Apply' to save the Service Type.

See Also

Preparation of Classification Data

Change or create Service Domain

Change or create Service Attributes and Service Parameter Types

Change or create Service Option Groups and Service Options

Define Unit Types