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Define Unit Types

Unit Types are used to specify basic measurable entities (e.g. bandwidth, time, …). Unit Types are used to describe Measure Units.

  1. Open the 'Unit Types' catalog from the Valuemation sidebar.
  2. Call the 'Create' or 'Edit' action.
  3. Enter a name for the Unit Type (e.g. Bandwidth).
  4. In the reference view Measure units you can now define Measure Units (e.g. Gigabits per second, Megabits per second, Kilobits per second, …).
  5. Rules for conversion between different Measure Units can be defined either in the creation/editing view of the Measure Unit or in the reference view Measure Unit Conversions.
  6. Press 'Ok' or 'Apply' to save the Unit Type.

See Also

Preparation of Classification Data

Change or create Service Classes and Service Types

Change or create Service Domain

Change or create Service Attributes and Service Parameter Types

Change or create Service Option Groups and Service Options