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Change or create Service Domain

Service Domains can be used to classify Services according to their domains. Service Domain hierarchies can be created.

  1. Open the 'Service Domains' catalog from the Valuemation sidebar.
  2. Call the 'Create' or 'Edit' action.
  3. Optionally, you can assign a Parent Domain by
    • selecting an existing domain: click the 'Search for an existing domain' button (magnifying glass symbol) and select an existing domain from a catalog of service domains which gets opened
    • adding a new domain: click the 'Add new Service Domain' (green plus symbol) to open the editor for creation of a new Service Domain which can than be assigned as Parent Domain.
  4. Press 'Ok' or 'Apply' to save the primary Service Domain.

See Also

Preparation of Classification Data

Change or create Service Classes and Service Types

Change or create Service Attributes and Service Parameter Types

Change or create Service Option Groups and Service Options

Define Unit Types