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Basic Operations

Despite the seeming complexity, only three types of items can be found in sidebar mainfolders: actions, catalogs and folders (see the image in topic 'Sidebar InfoObject').

Folder Operations

Expand/collapse a sidebar folder

Left-click the expand/collapse node next to the folder or double left-click the folder label or icon.

Call folder menu

Right-click the folder label or icon.

  • Context menu actions of a catalogs folder:
    • Expand/Collapse all folders

      Expands/collapses all folders within the folder.

    • Add catalog

      Adds a catalog to the folder.

    • Create folder

      Creates a new folder inside the folder.

    • Remove all

      Removes the whole three structure of folders and catalogs inside the folder.

    • Refresh

      Reloads the content of the folder.

  • Context menu actions of an actions folder:
    • Add a workflow definition

      Opens a browser of existing workflow definitions for selection and adding to the folder.

    • Remove all workflow definitions

      Removes all actions in the folder. The actual workflow definitions are not deleted.

Action Object Operations

Run an action

To run an action:

  • Double left-click the action label or icon
  • Right-click and select 'Start selected workflow' from the right-click context menu

Depending on the underlying workflow definition, an action wizard may get started. For example, action 'Configure' guides the user through the process of system selection followed by filling in parameters of the actual system configuration.

Right-click menu

Right-click the action label or icon to open the context menu of an actions object:

  • Start selected workflow

    Launches the action.

  • Remove a workflow definition

    Removes the action from the folder. The actual workflow definition is not deleted.

Catalog Object Operations

Open a catalog

To open a catalog in the workspace:

  • Double left-click the catalog label or icon, or
  • Right-click and select 'Open Catalog' from the right-click context menu.

Right-click menu

Right-click the catalog label or icon to open the context menu actions of a catalog object:

  • Open catalog

    Opens the catalog in the workspace.

  • Create object

    Enables to add a new business object into the catalog. Opens the edit view for new object creation.

The right-click menu also contains the following self-explanatory items:

  • Print, Export, Search, Bookmark, Refresh, Rename, Copy, Cut, Remove.

    Note that the extent of available actions depends on the type of catalog.

Additional Notes Regarding Catalog Objects

Missing a catalog

If you are looking for a catalog in the Sidebar and cannot find it:

  • Make sure the correct Business View is opened.

    Each Business View layout usually contains catalogs of object types which are associated with its assigned module (for example, in standard implementation the Order object type is associated with the Contract and Procurement Manager modules, Person is associated with almost all modules, etc.).

  • It is possible that the catalog has not been added to the Sidebar InfoObject yet. In this case you can add the catalog yourself.

Number of objects displayed in the catalog label

Catalog labels in the sidebar can dynamically display the current number of objects in the catalog.

  • This functionality can be enabled and customized by the administrator using the 'Sidebar & Smart Tiles Rendering' tab of Catalog Customizer.
  • The refresh frequency of the displayed count can be set in the 'Sidebar & Smart Tiles Settings' page of Global Settings.

See Also

Sidebar InfoObject

Reorganizing the Sidebar

User-defined Mainfolders

The Navigate Action