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User-defined Mainfolders

User-defined mainfolders can be used to create a personalized sidebar section existing in parallel with original sidebar mainfolders supplied with standard Valuemation.

The user-defined mainfolder belongs to business view in which it was created. It will not be accessible from other business views.

Use action 'Create Mainfolder' to create a new blank sidebar mainfolder, use action 'Clone' to create a copy of an existing mainfolder. The copy will contain the same objects and structure as the mainfolder on which the 'Clone' action was called.

To create / clone a mainfolder:

  1. Right-click an existing mainfolder.
  2. Select 'Create Mainfolder' / 'Clone' from the context menu.
  3. Enter a name for the new mainfolder and click 'OK'.

The new / copied mainfolder appears among other mainfolders in the Sidebar InfoObject.

Note: 'Translate' versus 'Rename'

Mainfolder right-click context menu provides also actions 'Rename' and 'Translate'.

Note that the name specified during action 'Create' is actually a mainfolder translation key. Actions 'Rename' and 'Translate' can be used for the following:

  • Rename

    The action changes the translation key of the mainfolder. Use this action only if an unsuitable translation key has been provided during the creation, not to change the mainfolder name in the GUI.

  • Translate

    The action opens the 'translations of application text' editor, use it to specify mainfolder names in individual GUI languages.

See Also

Sidebar InfoObject

Basic Operations

Reorganizing the Sidebar

The Navigate Action