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Customize Valueset CTI.ProviderConnections

The valueset “CTI.ProviderConnections” defines either:

  • JTAPI connection strings for JTAPI based CTI connections (Avaya, CiscoPlugin, SiemensPlugin), or
  • port on which Valuemation clients will listen for instruction to invoke processing of “CTI connected” event, when SocketServerPlugin is used.

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JTAPI connections to CTI servers are defined by fixed valueset CTI.ProviderConnections.

Replace IP Address, LOGIN and PASSWORD in example connection strings, e.g.: AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01;login=usuag;passwd=usuag;servers=A50AES01:450

NOTE: There might be several CTI servers, e.g. Cisco server in Karlsruhe and Cisco server in Stuttgart. Define connection for each CTI server to be used in Valuemation. It is also possible to define two and more connection strings to the same CTI server and use them within a definition of a CTI connection for a Valuemation user.

See Also

Core: CTI Setup

Customize valueset CTI.PluginNames

Weaker Duplicated Event Recognition Main Parameter

Setup CTI Administrator Settings