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Script Debug Menu

The Debug menu shows all debug actions along with their hotkeys.

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The 'Debug' menu


Function / Meaning

Step Into <F5>

Delve into an embedded function

Step Over <F6>

Execute the current line

Step Return <F7>

Return from an embedded function

Resume <F8>

Execute the rest of the script. Executes the script to the end, stops only at script breakpoints (if any exist)

Run To Line <F9>

To skip a part of the script (especially when there is a cycle) and start tracing on a particular line, put the caret on that line and press F9. This way it is not necessary to put a breakpoint on that line. You can also put a cursor on a line and press F9 – if the execution gets to that line it will be stopped. (See screenshot 'Run To Line' below)

Toggle Breakpoint < spacebar >

Activate / deactivate a breakpoint on the line where the cursor currently is. As a shortcut, either press the spacebar key or double-click next to the line in the leftmost part of the window.

Toggle Permanent Breakpoint <Ctrl+Space>

Activate / deactivate a Permanent Breakpiont on the line where the cursor currently is. As a shortcut, either press the Ctrl + Spacebar key or double-click next to the line in the leftmost part of the window.

Show Current Line <Ctrl+Q>

Scrolls the viewport so that the currently executed line (in blue color) is visible. This can be useful after searching for a particular string or after navigation to a method definition when the current line is not longer visible.

Show Current Variable <Ctrl+T>

Selects in the 'Variables Tree' the variable at which the cursor in the script window currently resides.

Evaluate Code

Evaluates the selected text in the Debug Area. For details, also see this chapter.

Remove Evaluation Results

Removes all evaluation results from the variables tree (EVAL_xx nodes)

Open Script <Ctrl+O>

Opens the script in the Script Editor on the line where the cursor currently is.

Stop Workflow <Escape>

Stops the workflow execution.

Note: It is necessary to distinguish between the 'Resume' command used here (in the script debugger) and 'Resume' used in workflow debugging:

  • 'Resume' in the context of script debugger means 'execute the script to its end'
  • 'Resume' in the context of workflow debugger means 'execute the current activity and stop'

Example screenshots:

Run To Line

Help Image

Show Current Variable

Help Image

See Also

Script Debugging

Opening the Script Debugger

Evaluate Code Action

Script Breakpoints

Variables Tree

Debug Stack