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Table: Properties

The Properties subtab enables to specify printing properties which relate specifically to the table report item.

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Properties Subtab for Table Report Items

Window Component

Function / Meaning

Border Style

Self-explanatory, options are: all, vertical, horizontal, around, no border

Maximum Lines in a Cell

Specifies how many lines can be displayed in a table cell. This can be used to truncate long description fields which would otherwise distort the layout of the report.

Packing Tight

Usually one line of a table corresponds to one line of the printed report. If the table has few narrow columns (i.e. the table itself is "narrow"), it is possible to have several lines of the table displayed on one line of the report. This is done by setting the Packing Tight checkbox to True.


Specifies the space between the border of the cell and the content of that cell. This allows you to improve the readability of the table. The space is always multiple of the font size.

Odd / Even Record Color

Improves readability by coloring alternate lines of the report different colors. Standard Swatches/HSB/RGB color selector is used, select a color and press 'OK'.

See Also

Report Item: Table

Table: Position

Table: Data Source

Table: Columns

Example: Adding a Table