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Report Items: Fixed vs Floating

A report item can be used as either so called fixed or floating report item.

  • Fixed Report Item

    A fixed report item is an item which is repeated on every page of the report. It is located in the same position on every page. Typically headers, logos, page numbers and dates will be fixed report items.

  • Floating Report Item

    A floating report item is an item whose position in the report is determined by its position in the sequence of the report's report items.
    Unlike the fixed report item, which is repeated on every page, a floating report item occurs only once in the report. Typically tables and text report items containing actual data will be floating report items.

See 'Examples of Use' for hands-on information on using fixed and floating report items.

See Also

Overview of Basic Terms

Report Items

Report Catalog

Report Editor

Report Parameters

Template Reports

Print versus Print With