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Report Items

Report items are the building blocks of a report. There are four types of report items:

  • Text

    Text report items are standard text labels used to describe the data. They are used for headers, titles, labels and explanations. Text is also used to embed parameters in the report. Standard functions are available to alter font type, size etc.

  • Table

    Table report items are used to display information on multiple objects in a structured, table-like form. The table can be formatted.
    A typical example would be e.g. displaying all components belonging to a particular system. Here, the system attributes and one-to-one relations would be displayed using text report items and the components belonging to the system would be displayed using a table report item.

  • Image

    Image report items enable displaying images as part of a report. The most common use is displaying company logos and letterheads.

  • PageBreak

    PageBreak report item provides means to specify at which point in a report new page should start.

See Examples of Use for hands-on information on using these report item types.

See Also

Overview of Basic Terms

Report Items: Fixed vs Floating

Report Catalog

Report Editor

Report Parameters

Template Reports

Print versus Print With