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Object Types Overview

  • Plan

    The Plan is the main object within the Planning/Calculation Manager and it represents a collection of logically connected Plan Items. It contains information about the plan horizon, the plan relevancy and the role of the plan. A Plan can have superior and subordinated Plans, they form a plan hierarchy. A responsible Person and an Organization Unit has to be assigned to every Plan. The current position of a Plan in its lifecycle is described with the help of the Status (In Development, Proposed, Approved/Not Approved, …). Additionally, it has a Role (Master, Ongoing, Actual).

  • Plan Item

    Plan Items contain information about planned acquisitions (type and quantity, planned payments, budget account, target distribution element).

  • Planhierarchy

    Planhierarchy is an auxiliary linking object type. It represents mutual relations between plans in a hierarchy.

  • Planrole

    An auxiliary object type used to keep track of plan role assignments.

  • Plan Payment

    Plan payments represent payments generated from Plan Items.

  • Budget Account

    Budget account helps categorize costs. It represents a combination of the following categories: Cost Center, Project, Organization Unit, Cost Purpose, Cost Category, Cost Type and Service.

  • Product Type

    Product types represent types of IT infrastructure from the sale and accounting points of view.

  • Product Class

    A product class groups several product types into a larger group according to some general characteristics pertinent to the procurement/sale/accounting point of view.

  • Person

    An object of the Person object type represents a person in the real world. It holds identification attributes such as last name, person number, contact information,etc. A person can be assigned to a business partner, cost center or organization unit.

  • Organization Unit

    Organization Units are used to describe the organization's structure.

  • Distribution

    A Distribution defines how costs are allocated between one Source Element and one Target Element. This definition can be expressed with the help of the fields Entered Percentage and Entered Quantity or with Consumption Functions.

  • Currency

    Objects of the 'Currency' object type represent individual exchange currencies used in administered financial transactions. One 'Currency' object has to be created for each supported "real-life" currency.

  • Distribution Element

    Distribution Elements are linking-objects, representing an object in the Planning/Calculation Manager. This objects can have one of the following Element Types: Product Type, Costcenter, Organization Unit, Project, Business Partner, Product, Service Template, Service Type, Project (CCM), Application, Consumer Group 1, Consumer Group 2, Product (CCM), Service Group, Variable Allocation Source, CostCenter (CCM).

  • Distribution Network

    The Distribution Network is the main object within the Demand Planning and it contains Distributions. A Distribution Network can have different Statuses (In Development, Proposed, Approved, Disapproved, …). If the Autorecalculation checkbox is checked, the whole Distribution Network is recalculated, when something changes inside the network. This could result in bad performance for big Distribution Networks.

  • Distribution Detail

    Detailed distribution results are stored in this object after performing service calculation.

  • Distribution Total

    Distribution result totals are persistently stored in this object after performing service calculation.

  • Comparison Result

    Comparison Result is an object combinig Plan Payments and actual Payments. Grouping and aggregation functionality is used to compare aggregated values from different sources.

  • Comparison Result Persistent

    Comparison Result Persistent holds persistent copies of the aggregated Comparison Results. It is used for performance improvement.

  • Report Configuration

    Report Configuration Definition holds definitions of Report Configurations, that is information regarding which objects should be compared, what their mutual position will be and which results catalog should be used for presentation of the result.

  • Unified Payment

    Unified Payment puts together real and planned payments for use in Report Configuration.

  • Project

    Objects of the Project object type are used to store in a structured form information on planned or ongoing projects.

  • Measure Unit

    Measure Unit allows entering quantities in specific physical units and their conversion.

  • Measure Unit Type

    Measure Unit Type allows Measure Unit categorization (such as length, velocity, time).

See Also

Planning and Calculation Manager

Planning/Calculation Manager at a Glance

Important Use Cases

Important Object Types

Use Cases


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