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Important Object Types

Planning and Calculation Manager uses predominantly the following types of objects:

Plan, Plan Items, Plan Payments

  • Plan – main object in the Planning/Calculation Manager, holds information on the responsible person, validity interval, status and role.
  • Plan consists of Plan Items.
  • Plan Payments are generated from Plan Item payment schedule.

Distribution, Distribution Element, Distribution Network, Distribution Total, Distribution Detail

  • For the purpose of cost distribution analysis, each object in the production chain is represented by a Distribution Element.
  • Relations between Distribution Elements are modelled by Distributions.
  • A collection of Distributions forms a Distribution Network. Distribution Network then represents a scheme of indirect cost distribution between distribution elements. Multiple Distribution Networks may be created and assigned to a plan.
  • The resulting Distribution Costs and Distribution Details are then used to analyse the impact of alternative cost distribution scenarios. Consequently, Unit Cost may be determined. Unit Cost provides a basis for Unit Price calculation.

Report Configuration, Unified Payment, Comparison Result

  • Report Configuration is a key object type in the Report Configuration functionality. A Report Configuration defines all important aspects of the comparison.
  • Report Configuration also uses a multitude of other object types (such as Unified Payment, Comparison Result, Comparison Result Persistent) to streamline and simplify the comparison process.



More Information


Object Types Overview

Brief information on all object types

Planning/Calculation Manager Object Types

Technical information on all object types

Planning and Plan Administration

Plan - related topics

Cost Distribution

Distribution - related topics

Comparison of Planned and Actual Expenses

Report Configuration - related topics

See Also

Planning and Calculation Manager

Planning/Calculation Manager at a Glance

Important Use Cases

Use Cases

Object Types Overview


Related Information