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User View

On the User view tab, you can map users to roles only. First you have to select a user and then you can add or remove the roles he/she is mapped to. It is also possible to do the mapping in the opposite direction - this can be done on the Role view tab.

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Role Mapping dialogue for User View

The User view tab consists of four main elements:

  • Available Users (A)

    The drop-down menu containing all available users from which one can be selected for the role assignment.

    To avoid inadvertent changes to the wrong user, this field is empty until a specific role has been selected (normally the first entry in the list would be displayed).

  • Available Roles (B)

    This tab displays a list of roles available for mapping to the user selected from available Users.

  • Main Controls (C)

    The following Main Controls are available:

    • Add

      Assigns the selected roles from the available Roles to the selected user.

    • Add all

      Assigns all roles from the available Roles to the selected user.

    • Remove

      Removes the roles selected in the Mapped Roles table from the selected user.

  • Mapped Roles (D)

    This table displays all the roles the currently selected user is mapped to.

    It consists of two columns:

    • Role name

      Names of the mapped roles.

    • Mapped to

      The possible values here are: User - if the selected user is directly mapped to the role. Group [GROUP_NAME] - if the selected user is mapped to the role indirectly (through membership in a group).

See Also

Role Mapping

Role View

Tasks on the Role Mapping Tab