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Steps to Implement Time Zone Support

From the customization standpoint, the shift to time zone support will require the following steps:

  1. In the Object Type customizer, the attribute type on the column type for which time zone support is intended needs to be changed from Date to Timestamp
  2. The time information previously contained in the Time attribute must be transferred to the Timestamp attribute using a ticket migration SQL update
  3. In the Catalog Customizer, the Time column would now present duplicate information and should be removed
  4. In the View Customizer, corresponding Time control should be removed. The Date control may be edited to use Date&Time Calendar, which is best suited for the combined data entry.
  5. Valuemation reports should also be edited so that the fields bearing time information reference Timestamp attributes. (See example)

    As a temporary measure, it is possible to utilize database triggers installed using the Timezone_triggers_*.sql files. These triggers will fill old time columns when the new DATE columns with time information are inserted/updated.

Depending on the extent of previously made customization, other modifications (such as changes to custom workflows, rules, etc.) might be necessary.

The above given step apply to the Oracle and MS SQL Server Database Management Platforms.

See Also

Date and Time in Previous Versions

Affected Object Types

Affected Modules

Database Platform Specifics