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States of Workflow Instances

The state of a workflow is defined by the states of its nodes.

An exception from this rule is the STOPPED state. This state is set in case of an error.

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Current workflow state as displayed in the Agenda

There are four states of Workflow Instances:

Workflow States

Function / Meaning


A Workflow instance is in the state CREATED when the workflow engine has just created the instance of the workflow from the MetaWorkflow and all its nodes are in the state CREATED. This is the initial state of each workflow.


A Workflow instance is in the ACTVICE state if at least one node is in the state ACTIVE or EXECUTING.


A Workflow instance is in the state FINISHED if none of his nodes is in the state ACTIVE or EXECUTING. Note that there may be one or more nodes in the states RESET, CREATED or LOCAL_CREATED.


This state indicates that the workflow has been stopped because of an error which prevented successful execution. Alternatively, a user may have manually stopped the workflow (from the Agenda).

Warning: Manually stopping a Workflow may result in work being lost or data left in an inconsistent state (depending on how the workflow is written).

See Also

A Workflow at Runtime

States of Node Instances

States of Transition Instances

Assigning Tasks to Other Users

Agenda Update

Nodes Displayed in Agenda