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Roles, Users and Groups

The Authorization Manager does not work with actual Userids (the employees that actually log into the system), it works with Roles. A Role is a profile that describes a certain category of Users and describes the tasks which they carry out within Valuemation. For instance the person answering the phone in the Help Desk will perform different tasks in Valuemation than the person who is responsible for the purchasing budget.

The administrator defines the Roles considering which Users need to perform which tasks in Valuemation. He/she then allocates the authorizations as necessary. In a separate step, he/she can define which Users or Groups are associated with those Roles. The Role itself contains the information about which tasks may be carried out. When a new User needs to work with Valuemation, the administrator simply allocates the User to the Role. Where appropriate, the administrator can also allocate complete Groups to Roles.

The Roles themselves are created in the User Manager. The User Manager is also the place where Users and Groups can be allocated to a Role. A Role must exist before it can be used in the Authorization Manager.

See Role Mapping topic from User Manager chapter for more information.

See Also

Basic Concepts

Introduction to Valuemation Authorization Management

Default Authorization

Authorizations for Business Objects

Authorizations for Technical Objects

Authorization Rights