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Tasks on the Person Mapping Tab

On the Person mapping Tab, you can map a person to a user or break mapping between the person and the user. The following topics describe these actions in step-by-step detail.

Mapping Persons to Users

To map a person to a user:

  1. Select the user you want to work with in the Table of Users.
  2. Select a person you want to map to this user in the Available persons table. Click Map person to map the person to the user. The person will appear as the Mapped person for the selected user and disappear from the Available persons table.
  3. Click Apply to keep changes or, when prompted to save changes on exit, click OK to confirm.

Note: As already stated in the Person Mapping topic, each user can be associated with none or exactly one person as well as each person can be mapped to none or exactly one user.

See the picture in Person Mapping topic for reference.

Breaking Person Mapping

To break mapping between a person and a user:

  1. Select the user with person mapping in the Table of Users for whom you want to break the person mapping.
  2. Click Break mapping to break mapping between the person and the user. The person will disappear from the Mapped person table for the selected user and appear in the Available persons table.
  3. Click Apply to keep changes or, when prompted to save changes on exit, click OK to confirm.


See the picture in Person Mapping topic for reference.

See Also

Tasks on the Person Mapping Tab

Mapping Persons to Users