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Example: Total Net Price

Total Net Price represents an example of a straightforward calculation.

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Total Net Price calculation in the Calculation Browser.

The Calculation Browser reveals the following information:

  • Calculation Name

    TotalNetPriceFromNetprice ....

  • Object Type

    ... is used in the Payment object type.

  • Attribute For Result

    The result of the calculation goes to the Net Total Price attribute.

  • Calculation Formula

    The calculation formula is a multiplication of the netprice and requiredquantity attributes.

Double-clicking anywhere in the line or using the Edit button in the Calculation browser calls the Calculation Customizer where the calculation can be edited.

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Calculation Customizer: Editing the Total Net Price calculation.

Calculation Formula

This calculation uses a simple multiplication.

About the object type attributes

In the Payment object type, you will find the 'netprice' and 'requiredquality' attributes in the list of its persistent attributes, the 'TotalNetPrice' is found among the business object's transient attributes. 'TotalNetPrice' is a multiplication of 'netprice' and 'requiredquality' and hence need not be stored separately in the database. It is enough to define a calculation and link its result with the appropriate transient field.

Help Image
TotalNetPrice as a transient attribute.

Note: The use of calculations is not limited to transient attributes only. Both transient and persistent attributes may be calculated.

See Also


Example: Currency Conversion

Example: Calculation for the Treeview Mode