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Valuemation Defaultuser

Defaultuser is a special, predefined user supplied with standard Valuemation. It can be administered via Valuemation User Manager as any other user but it should NOT be deleted as some standard functionality depends on it.

Defaultuser is used for copying and distribution of Valuemation features falling into the area of 'business view maintenance'. If a new user has been created without environment properties specified or copied from another user, then 'business view maintenance' properties of defaultuser get automatically copied to the new user when he/she first logs in.

The following 'business view maintenance' properties are included:

  • Sidebar content and translations
  • Business view layout (the inclusion and position of InfoObjects)
  • Start page definitions (the inclusion and position of Smart Tiles)

    Sidebar customization, business view layouts and start page definitions created by a user logged in as 'Defaultuser' are used as default configurations for new users.

    • Individual users can further customize the elements without influencing other users.
    • Changes made by a Defaultuser are propagated to other users except for objects already changed by the user. See topic 'Defaultuser - Normal User Interplay' for an example.

Related functionality: Copying of User Environment

Valuemation User Manager provides a function for copying many aspects of the application environment from one user to one or more other users. This function covers aspects copied using the defaultuser (sidebar, business view layouts and start pages) as well as many other (user-defined default values, user assignments, mail and logging settings, etc.) - see topic 'Copying User Environment' for more information.

Defaultuser versus Copy Environment

  • Use defaultuser for for automated distribution of sidebar and business view environment to all users.
  • Use environment copying via User Manager for manual copying of a wider range of environment properties to selected users.

Using the Defaultuser - example

  1. Log into Valuemation as 'defaultuser'.
  2. Switch to the business view to be customized.
  3. Customize the business view content:
    • Customize the sidebar - add, move and remove folders and catalogs, rename folders and catalogs.
    • Customize the layout - remove, add and move/resize individual InfoObjects
    • Customize the start page - remove, add and move individual smart tiles
  4. Switch to the Valuemation Core business view, locate the 'Business Views' catalog and initialize reset of the customized business view properties for either all users or only selected users.
  5. Upon properties deletion, user-specific data of users (with the exception of defaultuser) assigned to the business view will be deleted. The new customization made for defaultuser will be applied to these users as soon as they log in.

    Log in as one of the affected users to test the result.

In This Chapter

Business View Reset to Defaultuser

Defaultuser-Normal User Interplay