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S3User Anonymization

'S3User' is a rather special object type for which an anonymization configuration is already provided in standard Valuemation.

The standard 'S3User' anonymization is configured in the following way:

  • The condition preselects all inactive users who have not been updated for more than 6 months (datchg >=_6MonthsAgo()).
  • The anonymization:
    • replaces all names with value 'ANONYMIZED'
    • clears the link to Person
    • replaces attribute 'userId' with a generated random GUID

In addition to the above described 'S3User' anonymization the action also does the following:

  • In all object type tables it replaces all 'usercre' and 'userchg' protocol fields which reference any of the anonymized users with GUID numbers generated for the particular users during their anonymization.

Help Image
Standard S3User anonymization configuration

See Also

Anonymization Configuration

Anonymized Attributes