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Anonymized Attributes

In step 5 of anonymization configuration, individual attribute anonymizations are added. Click the '+' button. The 'Choose Attribute' dialog opens. Select the attribute to be anonymized and click 'Ok'.

The 'New: Anonymization Configuration Attribute' editor opens. Depending on the type of attribute, the editor may contain slightly different fields and provide a different selections of anonymization types.

  • Name

    Name of the selected attribute.

  • Type of Anonymization

    This important field specifies how the attribute will be anonymized. The following actions are available:

    • Clear

      The data will be deleted. Not available if the selected attribute is mandatory.

    • Value

      Makes it possible to put in a specific value (e.g. text "Anonymized"). Not possible for attributes which must be unique. The correct format must be used, e.g. for a date attribute, value in a date format must be entered.

    • GUID

      The anonymization will replace the original value with a generated random unique hexadecimal value (which contains strings - not available for number attributes.)

    • Random Number

      The anonymization will replace the original value with a random number. The random number is considered unique - possible for attributes which must be unique.

  • Value

    If 'Type of Anonymization = Value', specify the value in this field.

Anonymization of relation attributes

It is also possible to anonymize relations of the object. Note that this does not anonymize the related object, just the relation. Here the following types of anonymization are offered:

  • Value

    Links a specific object, e.g. a "dummy" object created specifically for this purpose.

  • Clear

    Unlinks the object. Possible only if the relation is not mandatory.

Anonymization of boolean attributes

When a boolean attribute is selected for anonymization, only 'Value' anonymization is available. Specify either True or False.

'Value' anonymization on a boolean attribute may be used when it is necessary to make sure that a certain property is given to the anonymized data. For example, boolean attribute 'Updateable by interface' (untranslated name: 'ifUpdate') specifies whether the object can be updated by external interfaces. Here it might be useful to set this to False in order to make sure that once the objects are anonymized, they will no longer be subject to further updates.

Anonymization of attachments

It is also possible to anonymize attachments. The only available action for attachments anonymization is 'Clear'. Note that this does not delete the actual attached file, just the attachment object which links the file with the anonymized object. The actual file is stored in the database in the form of a BLOB (binary large object) string. It can be referenced by multiple attachments and gets automatically deleted only when the last attachment referencing it is deleted.

See Also

Anonymization Configuration

S3User Anonymization