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Modifying a Standard Parameter Value Set

If a standard parameter value set used in a parameter does not fit exactly the needs, it can be modified - see topic 'Existing Standard Value Set' for details.

As a real-life example, let's assume the standard value set used in our use case contains values not suitable for use with the provided beamer. We will filter it locally to fit the needs.

  1. Click button 'Modify Standard Value Set Locally' at the top of the 'Possible Values' section.
  2. The 'Possible Values' section changes to facilitate value set modification.
    • Right-click an item and call action 'Remove' to remove the item from this parameter.
    • Use the up/down arrows at the top of the section to reorder the values.
    • Use action 'Add Item from Standard Value Set' to put a removed item back to the parameter. Use 'Reset to Standard' to restore all removed parameters.

      Help Image
      'Possible Values' section in the local modification mode. Removing multiple standard values.

Important notes:

  • The above actions are performed on local references to items in the standard value set. If the standard set gets further modified, the changes do not affect this parameter.
  • It is not possible to add items locally to a standard parameter value set.
  • Value images and translations remain defined globally and cannot be locally modified.

See Also

Parameter Based on a Standard Value Set

Creating a Standard Parameter Value Set

Reusing a Standard Parameter Value Set