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Creating a Standard Parameter Value Set

There are two ways of creating a standard parameter value set:

  1. Use action 'Save as Standard Parameter Value Set'

    The 'Possible Values' section in the editor of a parameter based on a local value set contain button 'Save as Standard Parameter Value Set'.

    1. Click the button, a 'Parameter Value Set' editor opens.
    2. Specify value set name, optionally add a description in the Comment field and click 'Ok' to save the value set.

    The new value set will be added to the 'Standard Parameter Value Sets' catalog.

  2. Use action 'Create' in the 'Standard Parameter Value Sets' catalog
    1. Locate and open the 'Standard Parameter Value Sets' catalog. (The catalog can be found e.g. in the 'Parameter Definition' folder of the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar.)
    2. Right-click in the catalog and call the 'Create' action.
    3. Specify value set name and optionally add a description in the Comment field.
    4. In the 'Value Set Items' section of the editor, create individual values as described in topic 'Local Value Set Parameter'.
    5. Click 'Ok' in the editor to save the new value set.

See Also

Parameter Based on a Standard Value Set

Reusing a Standard Parameter Value Set

Modifying a Standard Parameter Value Set