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Reusing a Standard Parameter Value Set

If a suitable standard parameter value set already exists, it is possible to use it directly for parameter creation.

  1. Click 'Define Parameter' in the 'Parameters' section of the 'Shop Offer' editor. The 'Define Parameter' dialog opens.
  2. In the 'Define Parameter' dialog, select 'Choice' and then 'Values or Objects'.
  3. In the 'Search value sets and object types' field, type a search term likely to lead to the desired value set. Click 'Ok' in the 'Define Parameter' dialog.
  4. All relevant sources of parameter values are searched and a browser filtered to match the search term opens. In our example, let's assume the suitable value set can be found by using search term 'data'. If found, select it in the browser and click 'Ok'.

    Help Image
    The 'Search value sets and object types' browser filtered for search term 'data', suitable value set selected.

  5. Values from the standard value set appear in the 'Possible Values' section of the parameter editor.

    If the set contains some values irrelevant for the particular parameter, it can be modified.

See Also

Parameter Based on a Standard Value Set

Creating a Standard Parameter Value Set

Modifying a Standard Parameter Value Set