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Change Entered Parameter Values

The following tip may come in handy if an ex post facto change of a parameter value entered by the requestor is necessary.

  1. In the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar, go to folder 'Requesting Configuration', subfolder 'Superadmin'. Open the 'Requests All - Superadmin' catalog.
  2. Locate and open the request containing the request item whose data need to be altered.
  3. Open the request item, go to the 'Parameters' section and double-click the parameter whose value needs to be altered.
  4. In the parameter editor, click button 'Change Parameter Value (Admin)' and change the value in the next window that opens.

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Important note: Use this feature with caution as it circumvents internal data integrity checks of the shop.

See Also

Useful How To Ideas for the Admin

Create Common Offer

Standardize to Simplify

Replace Default Cart Fields With Parameters