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Replace Default Cart Fields With Parameters

By default, fields 'Location', 'Desired Date' and 'Comment' are automatically present in the shop cart. You may want to request this information from the shopper only when it is relevant. To do so:

  1. Globally remove the default field(s) in the cart
  2. Create corresponding parameters only for offers in which the information is needed.

How to globally remove default cart fields

  1. Open 'Settings - SRM & Procurement'
  2. Go to section 'SRM - Shop' / 'Cart'
  3. Clear the 'Show...' check boxes for attributes not needed as default.

    Attributes whose default display in the cart can be set in this way are: Location, Cost Center, Project, Desired Date, Comment, Approver, Urgency, Impact.

See Also

Useful How To Ideas for the Admin

Create Common Offer

Standardize to Simplify

Change Entered Parameter Values