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Service Desk Agent

Valuemation Business View: Service Desk Agent

The primary aim of the service desk agent is to provide a single point of contact between the services being provided and the users. A typical service desk manages incidents and service requests, and also handles communication with the users. Service desk employees execute the first line incident management, access management and request fulfilment processes.

According to the ITIL® Service Operations, typically the responsibilities for this role are:

  • Logging all relevant incident/service request details, allocating categorization and prioritization codes.
  • Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis.
  • Resolving incidents/service requests when first contacted whenever possible.
  • Escalating incidents/service requests that they cannot resolve within agreed timescales.
  • Keeping users informed of progress.
  • Closing all resolved incidents, requests and other calls.
  • Conducting customer/user satisfaction call-backs/surveys as agreed.
  • Communication with users – keeping them informed of incident progress, notifying them of impending changes or agreed outages, etc.
  • Updating the CMS under the direction and approval of service asset and configuration management if so agreed.

In This Chapter

Give Information about an Existing Ticket

Create and Assign a Service Request

Follow an Incident

See Also

Real Life Use Cases

End User

Incident Manager

Call Center Agent

First Level Support

Second Level Support

Third Level Support