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Web Services Catalog

The Web Services catalog allows you to manage the existing, relevant Web Services. You can also create a new Web Service and assign it to the Web Service Clients for publishing to fulfill some special requirements.

Note: You will not be able to execute a web service which is not assigned to the Web Service client.

The catalog contains a certain amount of web services most of which have been implemented for the Valuemation Mobile applications. It means that most of them are not relevant for external client applications (for example, ChangeSettings or SynchDeviceNotifcation).

For interfaces, the common services are:

  • CreateTicket
  • GetObjects
  • GetObject
  • GetRelationObjects
  • CreateObject
  • ChangeObject
  • DeleteObject

In This Chapter

Web Service in the Edit View

Actions in the Web Service Catalog

See Also

Web Services in Valuemation

Web Service Clients Catalog