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Offer Package Creation

The following creation actions are provided by the context menu of offer package catalogs:

  • Create
  • Create as Copy of This
  • Create as Copy of


The action creates a new offer package with standard default values. If the vendor can be derived from the context of the new offer package creation, it is pre-selected (no matter what the default vendor is in general).

Create as Copy of This

The acton creates a new offer package as a copy based on a selected offer package. The action is enabled only if one offer package is selected. It is also available in the context menu of reference views for offer package .

Options available for the new document may differ according to the type of package to be copied. Some or all of the following options may be available:

  • Valid From

    Enter the starting date of validity of the new offer package. If the original offer package has an end date and this date is not later than the current date+1 year, then the new offer package will be valid from a subsequent date. Otherwise, the new offer package will be valid from the current date

  • Replace Subsequently

    Decide whether the validity of the originating package will be ended one day before the validity of the new offer package starts. Important note: if selected, changing the starting date of the new document will cause changing the end date of original document.

    • Default value: If the new starting date has not been set as a subsequent date (because the original offer package has no end date or it ends in the distant future, see above) then default is False. Otherwise, the default value is True.
    • Disabling rule: if Valid From (New Pricing Doc.) = Valid To (Original Pricing Doc) + 1, then the check box is disabled.
  • Copy Offers

    Decide whether offers will be copied from the original document.

    • The default value is False.
    • Note: Clear this option when creating a copy of an offer package in relation to an offer (e.g. from a reference catalog of packages from within an offer). In this case only an empty copy of the original offer package will be created and the new offer will be added to it.
    • If deselected, related check boxes (Pass On General Preferences, Pass On Preferences Within Vendor) are hidden.
  • Pass On General Preferences

    Decide whether general preferences of the original offers will be removed and passed to the subsequent offers.

  • Pass On Preferences Within Vendor

    Decide whether preferences of the original offers within the vendor will be removed and passed to the subsequent offers.

    Note: Preferences are passed on according to the initial dialog:

    • If the original pricing offer was preferred ‘among all vendors’, then the pricing offer created as it’s copy is set as preferred ‘among all vendors’ by changing an appropriate relation from item type. If a price can be calculated out of the new pricing offer, it is used to update the general price of the item type.
    • If the original pricing offer was preferred ‘within this vendor’, then the pricing offer created as it’s copy is set as preferred ‘within this vendor’ by setting an appropriate Boolean attribute. On the original pricing offer this attribute is reset.
    • Validity offsets of new POs (Valid From Postponed, Valid To Shortened) are not copied from offers to the original offer package, the new offers have null values in these date fields.

Create as Copy of

The acton allows the user to search for an offer package to be used as a base for creating a new offer package.

The action is especially useful when the original offer package is not available (e.g. in a referenced view), but the user knows that an offer package that can be used for copying does exist. The action offers a browser for previous offer packages and after the user has selected one, the process continues the same way as in 'Create as Copy of This'.

See Also

Offer, Offer Package, Package Type

Importing Offers and Offer Packages from External Sources

Using General Contracts

Vendor Specific Prices