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Service Debug Mode

The Service debug mode facilitates easy creation of Service demo data for testing or development purposes and their subsequent deletion. Note that the debug mode is a high-level customization feature and is in no way intended for standard Valuemation use or even administration.

The debug mode enables the following:

  • to skip checking of Service Template status during the 'Instantiate Service(s)' action. This means that Service Templates can be instantiated even in status 'Draft'.
  • to skip checking of Service Template status during actions 'Assign Business Partner as consumer (provider)' and 'Assign Service to consumer (provider)'.
  • to skip checking of Service Instance status during the 'Populate to Product / Service catalog...' action.
  • to make a generated offer package visible for all users in the 'Product / Service catalogue'.

    In the "normal" mode, the generated offer package is visible only for Persons belonging to the specified Business Partner. (There is a condition on attribute "forPersons" (translated as 'Available in Shop for').

  • to delete instantiated services even if a 'Service Agreement' (or any other relation objects) exists for the service.
  • to print helpful information to the console during service instantiation and during the 'Print Report' action.

The debug mode can be turned on by Valuemation mainparameter 'instantiation.debugging', see below.

Useful Mainparameters

The following valuemation mainparameters are useful for debugging of Service processes:

  • instantiation.debugging

    The parameter enables the debug mode.

    • Value 1 - the debug mode is on
    • Value 0 - the debug mode is off, the Service functionality is in "normal" mode

    Default value: 0

  • editor.applyReadOnly
    • Value 1 - the Service editor mode is driven by its status. In such case the editor is in the 'read only' mode if status of the service is not 'Draft' or 'Rejected'. I.e. only in these two statuses a service can be edited.
    • Value 0 - Service can be edited in any status

    Default value: 1

  • instantiation.selectMultipleOptions
    • Value 1 - it is possible to set parameters from multiple Service Options (Platinum, Gold, ...) during instantiation. This means that the instantiated Service can contain parameters belonging to several Service Options and the end user chooses among the options in the Service Shop (Product / Service catalogue - currently deprecated)
    • Value 0 - the instantiated Service can contain only parameters belonging to one Service Option

    Default value: 0

  • instantiation.useMultilevelTree

    The parameter controls how to show Service Parameters in multilevel hierarchy. The second level of the tree is created by various Service Options assigned to ServiceLink objects or/and Service Parameters. If parameters are not assigned to any option, they are put to the second level (if multilevelTree is not used), or the third level right below the corresponding parent service (if multilevelTree is used).

    • Value 1 - Service Parameters are shown together with their parent service
    • Value 0 - no other Services are shown except the root one

    Default value: 0

  • versioning.noGUIDforTemplate
    • Value 1 - no GUID is generated for new or copied Service Template. This means that it is not possible to have two Service Templates with the same name.
    • Value 0 - a GUID is created for each new or copied Service Template. Additionally, the newly created Service Template receives a higher version number (attribute 'versionNo' is increased by 1).

    Note: GUID is always generated for Service Instances.

    Default value: 0

Please note that in productive environments, these mainparameters should remain at their default values.

See Also

Related Information

Service Map

Service Downtime Calendar

Financial Information About Services

Value Proposition

Status of Services

Custom Service Catalogs