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Custom Service Catalogs

Services Templates and Service Instances in Valuemation are based on the same object type: Services.

From the technical point of view, Templates and Instances just differ in the flag isServiceTemplate. This means that when an Instance is created, the Template is copied and the flag isServiceTemplate (translated name: Service Template) is set to “false”.

It is easy for a Valuemation Administrator to create custom catalogs with various filtering conditions.

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For example, if a list of all services in the Service Pipeline (Service Developments) is to be created, it has to be filtered for isServiceTemplate, that is Service Template = “true” and Status = “Draft”. These filters can be customized in the Catalog Customizer.

Another example would be the list of Retired Services. For this purpose, it has to be filtered for Service Template = "true" and Status = "Retired".

Conversely, if all services are to be listed (Service Inventory), just a catalog based on the object type Services without any conditions needs to be created.

See Also

Related Information

Service Map

Service Downtime Calendar

Financial Information About Services

Value Proposition

Status of Services

Service Debug Mode