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Does Valuemation start?

Examine 'valuemation.log' (or 'catalina.out') for:

  • Version: version must be 4.5 HF02 or higher

    **** Valuemation Version Details :

    Business Application Release Name:4.5.HOTFIX02

  • Session: session name must be 'Chat'
  • Exceptions: there must be no exception before the following log entry:

    de.usu.s3.web.VMStaticFiles is being initialized...

Does the Chat server start?

Examine 'chat.log' for:

  • database connection: if the message below reads 0 users, there is a problem with database connection

    834ms warming up connection to db, 224 users was found

  • connection with the backend application: in the log section below
    • check if the backend URL is correct
    • check that the sent parameters are correct
    • "returnCode":"00" signifies that this process finished correctly

    21:18:17,656 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO ( 210ms backend was called:

    uri = "http://localhost:8081/vm45hf/services/workflowExecutionRESTService/runsubworkflowservice/runsubworkflow"

    sent = {"username":"V4UEXECUTOR","password":"9A1E8801BD3B8B1AFF764F3709D0DF19","encrypted":"Y","domain":"USU","client":"01","params":{"userId":"V4UEXECUTOR"},"wfName":"WS_REST_Login"}

    received = {"result":{"id":"WS_REST_Login_1","score":"success","data":{"phoneNo":"","id":"Person-11565#","token":"53EDCF149AE57391D0F51286670A13702A2E22BBD627DDD00B952A1DD2AC81ACAE369110DD871DEE467CE84C732B1A63448ACB5E39D34BCDC12A6F7339000A47448ACB5E39D34BCDC12A6F7339000A47448ACB5E39D34BCDC12A6F7339000A47448ACB5E39D34BCDC12A6F7339000A47448ACB5E39D34BCDC12A6F7339000A47","email":"","roles":[],"personId":"11565","lastname":"V4UEXECUTOR","supportGroups":[],"language":"en_US","firstname":"Reference"}},"returnCode":"00"}

Cannot switch from Not Available to Ready

Problems with switching the HD agent status in the 'Chat' InfoObject (not possible to switch from 'Not Available' to 'Ready') indicate that websockets are not working correctly. The reasons may be either incorrect Apache configuration or obsolete Tomcat.

See Also

Setting up Chat

Valuemation Side

Chat Server Side
