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Chat Server Side

Creation of the Chat server database schema is performed slightly differently than for Valuemation. Refer to the steps below (replace $TOMCAT in the instructions with a real path, e.g. /opt/tomcat).

Server Side Installation Steps

  1. Create an empty database schema/user

    Example - Oracle:




  2. Provide JDBC driver for connection of the application to the database.

    To do: Copy the JDBC driver of the database to be used into standard location $TOMCAT/lib

  3. All necessary properties of the installation are specified in file '' from which they are copied over to the respective configuration files. The content differs according to the application with which the Chat server will be used - see 'Installation Properties' for details.

    To do:

    1. Create a new subdirectory $TOMCAT\usu-conf
    2. In the directory, create an empty file ''
    3. Fill the properties file with text copied from the respective paragraph in 'Properties According to Application' below. Possibilities are: a) ServiceConnector, b) Valuemation, c) no backend used.
    4. Adjust connection to database, serviceconnector.ucp, or valuemation.url according to your actual environment.
  4. Additional things to keep in mind when setting up Chat with ServiceConnector:
    • User 'CHAT_EXECUTOR' must exist in GateKeeper for the connection to work. Create CHAT_EXECUTOR user in GateKeeper with password defined in as serviceconnector.password.
    • If Chat is supposed to work with both KnowledgeCenter and Valuemation, then Valuemation must be connected via ServiceConnector. If GateKeeper LoginFilter is used (LoginFilter allows ServiceConnector to call Valuemation Web Service API using authentication), then the servlet container must satisfy server specification 3.0 and higher. For example, Tomcat 6 is not supported, Tomcat 7 is supported.

      Note: GateKeeper LoginFilter is delivered with Valuemation v 5.0 and higher. By default it is disabled by a comment in 'web.xml'.

    • If Chat is used with both Valuemation and KnowledgeCenter, it works only for users whose user names and domains are identical in GateKeeper and Valuemation.
    • When Valuemation and ServiceConnector are on the same web server, a problem with the 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file may happen. See topic 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' for more information.
  5. Create a new directory 'chat' in location '$TOMCAT/webapps/' and unzip the supplied 'chat*.war' into this directory.
  6. The actual configuration is performed by a configurator using settings specified in the '' file created in step 3.

    To do: Run the configurator.

    • on Linux

    $ cd $TOMCAT/webapps/chat/WEB-INF

    $ java -cp "lib/*:classes:$TOMCAT/lib/*" de.usu.v4u.helpers.Configurator updatedb createconf --webappdir=$TOMCAT/webapps/chat --configfile=$TOMCAT/usu-conf/

    • on Windows

    > cd $TOMCAT\webapps\chat\WEB-INF

    > java -cp "lib\*;classes;$TOMCAT\lib\*" de.usu.v4u.helpers.Configurator updatedb createconf --webappdir=$TOMCAT\webapps\chat --configfile=$TOMCAT\usu-conf\

  7. Start the Chat server and do the following for individual back ends:
    • Valuemation as backend

      In Valuemation, add the 'Chat' InfoObject in the GUI where desired.

    • ServiceConnector as backend

      It is necessary to register Chat with GateKeeper, see GateKeeper documentation for more information. Restart the Chat server after the configuration. At this moment the table of chat users is populated.

Installation update only

To update an existing chat server installation:

  1. Stop tomcat
  2. Perform steps 5 and 6 above
  3. Star tomcat

In This Chapter

Installation Properties

See Also

Setting up Chat

Valuemation Side

