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ZIS Update

The support user responds to the Incident ticket (7)

A support user updates the corresponding Incident ticket in Valuemation by setting the response date (using action 'Response')

Automatic confirmation of acknowledgment (8)

Valuemation notifies the ZIS-System by an ZEXEC call via Workflow function „setZISTicketStatus()“ (in IPC library), action command 'Acknowledge (ACK)' and passes the following information with key/value pairs and delimiter ';':

  • Ticket-ID (mandatory)
  • Ticket-No (mandatory)
  • Event-ID (optional)
  • Ticket-Status (mandatory)

Note: Setting 'VM_Ticket_StatusFeedback_ACK = 1' has to be set for the notification to work.

Results in ZIS:

  • ZIS-System changes the status of the Event Unit identified by the Event-ID and the status color in ZIS SLM is changed correspondingly.

If the update was successful and ZEXEC RC = 0, then Valuemation adds a new ticket description to the ticket with following information:

  • Ticketdesc-ID

    Automatically created by Valuemation.

  • Ticket-ID

    Corresponding Ticket ID

  • Descno

    Automatically generated by Valuemation

  • Statementtype

    'Work History'

  • Ticket short text

    EN: ZIS was automatically informed about the „acknowledgement / DE: ZIS wurde automatisch über die Inbearbeitungnahme informiert

    Defined by status track 'ZIS_EVENT_ACK'

  • General Visibility

    Valuemation default 'False' used.

  • NoRead

    Valuemation default 'False' used.

  • TicketdescCreator

    The current person associated with the user performing the action.

  • SupportgroupCreator

    The current default supportgroup of the person associated with the user performing the action.

  • DateCreate = Datcre = Datchg

    System date is used.

  • Usercre = Userchg

    The user performing the action.

The support user updates / closes the Incident ticket (9)

A support user updates the corresponding Incident ticket in Valuemation to a status defined for 'Active Monitoring-Information'.

The definition is done in Valuemation settings. By default, statuses 'Solved (IN)' / 'IN_SLV' or 'Closed (IN)' / 'IN_CLD' are used.

Automatic update / closure (10)

Valuemation notifies the ZIS-System by an ZEXEC call via Workflow function „setZISTicketStatus()“ (in IPC library), action command „Update (UPD)“ or „Close (CLD)“ and passes following information with key/value pairs and delimiter ';':

  • Ticket-ID (mandatory)
  • Ticket-No (mandatory)
  • Event-ID (optional)
  • Ticket-Status (mandatory)

Note: Settings 'VM_Ticket_StatusFeedback_UPD = 1' and 'VM_Ticket_StatusFeedback_CLD = 1' have to be set for the notification to work.

Results in ZIS:

  • ZIS-System changes the status of the Event Unit identified by the Event-ID and the status color in ZIS SLM is changed correspondingly.

If the update was successful and ZEXEC RC = 0, then Valuemation adds a new ticket description to the ticket with following information:

  • Ticketdesc-ID

    Automatically created by Valuemation.

  • Ticket-ID

    Corresponding Ticket ID

  • Descno

    Automatically generated by Valuemation

  • Statementtype

    'Work History'

  • Ticket short text

    EN: ZIS was automatically informed about the status „<status>“ / DE: ZIS wurde automatisch über den Status „<status>“ informiert

    Defined by status track 'ZIS_EVENT_UPD' and 'ZIS_EVENT_CLD'.

  • General Visibility

    Valuemation default 'False' used.

  • NoRead

    Valuemation default 'False' used.

  • TicketdescCreator

    The current person associated with the user performing the action.

  • SupportgroupCreator

    The current default supportgroup of the person associated with the user performing the action.

  • DateCreate = Datcre = Datchg

    System date is used.

  • Usercre = Userchg

    The user performing the action.

See Also

Interation Between Valuemation and ZIS

Ticket Creation

Valuemation Update

Ticket Interface Settings