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Ticket Creation

Monitoring Information (2)

The ZIS System receives information from the monitored system and decides whether to raise an alarm and whether to create a ticket in Valuemation.

Automatic creation of a new ticket (4)

The ZIS System has decided that a ticket has to be created:

  1. The ZIS System starts VM REST Webservice 'MonitoringTicket_WS_REST_CallSubWorkflow' with user specified as '-CMONT'
  2. In Valuemation, an Incident ticket is created with the following ticket data:
    • Ticket-ID

      Automatically created by Valuemation

    • Event-ID

      Event-ID taken over from ZIS

    • Ticketclass = 'Incident'

      Valuemation setting is used

    • Tickettype = 'Disturbance'

      Valuemation setting is used

    • Ticket No

      Automatically created by Valuemation

    • Status = 'Created (IN)' = 'IN_CRE'

      Valuemation setting is used

    • User-Impact

      Prio taken over from ZIS if not NULL and existing

    • Systems

      Lookup for CI/Service taken over from ZIS. If not found as System, then no relation is created.

    • Service

      Lookup for CI/Service taken over from ZIS. If not found as Service, then set to NULL.

    • Prio

      Automatically created by Valuemation regarding TSP definitions. If no TSP evaluated, then Prio taken over from ZIS used. If empty, then default Valuemation setting is used.

    • Impact

      Automatically created by Valuemation regarding TSP definitions. If no TSP evaluated, then default Valuemation setting is used.

    • Urgency

      Default Valuemation setting is used.

    • TSP = SLA

      Automatically evaluated by Valuemation. If no TSP evaluated, then default Valuemation setting is used.

    • Callmedia

      Default Valuemation setting = 'Event Management' is used.

    • Feedbackmedia

      Default Valuemation setting = 'System / Interface' is used.

    • Requested-By = Requested-For = Current Resp. Person

      The current person associated with user '-CMONT'. If not existing, default person from Valuemation setting is used.

    • Current Resp. Supportgroup = Current Supportgroup

      Taken over from ZIS. If existing only in Valuemation, empty or not existing, current default supportgroup of the person associated with user '-CMONT' is used. If not existing, default person from Valuemation setting is used.

    • Location

      Lookup current location of CI taken over from ZIS. If no CI, lookup current location of Requested-For Person. If no location found, then set to NULL.

    • DateReported = Datcre = Datchg

      System date is used.

    • Usercre = Userchg

      Current user '-CMONT' is used.

  3. In Valuemation, an Incident ticket is created with the following ticket description data:
    • Ticketdesc-ID

      Automatically created by Valuemation.

    • Ticket-ID

      Automatically created.

    • Descno = 1

      Not taken over from ZIS.

    • Statementtype

      Valuemation setting is used.

    • Ticket shorttext

      Event text taken over from ZIS. If empty, Valuemation setting is used.

    • Description

      Event text taken over from ZIS. If empty, Valuemation setting is used.

    • General Visibility

      Valuemation setting is used, default value is 'True'.

    • NoRead

      Valuemation setting is used, default value is 'True'.

    • TicketdescCreator

      The current person associated with user '-CMONT' is used. If not existing: default person from Valuemation settings is used.

    • SupportgroupCreator

      Taken over from ZIS. If existing only in Valuemation, empty or not existing, current default supportgroup of the person associated with user '-CMONT' is used. If not existing, default person from Valuemation setting is used.

    • DateCreate = Datcre = Datchg

      System date is used.

    • Usercre = Userchg

      Current user '-CMONT' is used.

  4. VM REST Webservice „MonitoringTicket_WS_REST_CallSubWorkflow“ sends the following information back to ZIS:
    • Score ('Return Message')
    • Return Code (Return Code)
    • Ticket-No (mandatory)
    • Ticket-ID (mandatory)
    • Json:

      { "result": { "score": "success", "data": { "ticketno": "IN-xxxxxxx", "id": "Ticket-nnnnnnnnn#" }, "id": "WS_REST_CreateTicket_0" }, "returnCode": "00"}

See Also

Interation Between Valuemation and ZIS

Valuemation Update

ZIS Update

Ticket Interface Settings