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Predecessors in the RM Project Editor

The best place to administer predecessor-successor relationships between reservations is the 'Reservations' tab of the RM Project editor.

Column 'Predecessors'

Column 'Predecessors' can be added to the reference catalog in the 'Reservations' tab. The column displays predecessors (identified by their ID) of each individual reservation.

Action 'Add predecessors'

The right-click context menu in the reference catalog provides action 'Add predecessors'. Use this action to add one or more predecessors to the selected reservation.

  1. Select a reservation in the 'Reservations' reference catalog.
  2. Right-click in the catalog and call action 'Add predecessors'.
  3. A 'Choose predecessors...' catalog listing available reservations in the RM project opens. Select one or more reservations and click 'Ok'. The 'Choose predecessors...' catalog closes and the reservations are linked as predecessors of the reservation selected in step 1. This result should be seen in the 'Predecessors' column.

Action 'Delete predecessors'

Right-click context menu action called 'Del predecessors' can be used to remove a predecessor-successor relationship.

  1. Select a reservation in the 'Reservations' reference catalog.
  2. Right-click in the catalog and call action 'Del predecessors'.
  3. A browser window listing the current predecessors of the selected reservation opens. Select one or more reservations and click 'Ok'. The browser closes and the reservations are removed from the set of predecessors of the reservation selected in step 1. This result should be seen in the 'Predecessors' column.

See Also

Predecessor Reservations

Dependency Types

Predecessors in the Reservation Editor

Direct Dependency During Creation