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Authentication Type

On this page, you must select a type of the authentication.

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The Predefined Authentication Types include:

  • AuthenticationManagerS3User

    Use this option to administrate all Valuemation users within Valuemation Rich Client. The operations (such as creating, editing or changing passwords) will be carried out in the User Manager. When a user wants to log in, he gets the standard login dialog and has to enter his user name and password.

  • AuthenticationManagerWEBLogon

    Allows Single Sign On (SSO) login for web authentication. It also offers the user to sign in the usual way if Single Sign On does not work.

  • AuthenticationManagerCompositeLogon

    Offers the same functionality as AuthenticationManagerJNDI, however, it proceeds with the standard AuthenticationManagerS3User authentication type if not successful.

Note: The selected authentication type is saved into the '' file. After the installation, you can change the authentication type settings manually. Please see the 'Post-installation Configuration' chapter in Valuemation Help.

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See Also

Configuration of the Deployment File for the Application Server

Language Selection

The Welcome Page

Accepting the License Conditions

Selection Installation/Configuration: VM Webclient Configure

Application Server

War/Ear File

Database Connection


Database Driver

Process Engine

Birt Report Engine

Path for the new war/ear file


Installation and Configuration